IIT Hyderabad Staff Recruitment

Welcome to the IIT Hyderabad staff recruitment sub-site!

Please read the guidelines for applying for a staff position at IIT Hyderabad below carefully. This will help you complete the online application confidently. The link to apply for staff openings at IIT Hyderabad is at the bottom of this page.

General Instructions to filling the online Application

  1. Instructions are provided below for each field in the online application itself. Please read the instructions carefully before filling the online application form.
  2. Applicants are advised to satisfy themselves, before applying, that they possess the minimum essential qualification and experience laid down for the post. The Qualifications acquired have to be from recognized Board/Council/University/Institute. Eligibility in terms of age, qualification and experience of a candidate for the post applied for, shall be considered as on the last date of closing of Online application window.
  3. Application Fee:
    • Candidates have to remit Non-Refundable Application Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) through online mode only. Click here to pay
    • you have to fill in details and make payment.
    • Note: SC/ST,EWS,PWD and Female Candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
  4. The candidates are requested to:
    • Fill all the fields, unless otherwise specified.
    • Save the information typed / filled at every section and then proceed to the next SECTION.
    • Ensure that all the THREE (3) SECTIONS are filled and then click on the SAVE & DOWNLOAD button for viewing the final application form. Once you click on the SUBMIT button - a popup box will appear showing the Declaration form. It is mandatory to fill the DECLARATION box, before submission of the Online Application Form.
  5. Upon successful submission of Online Application Form, you will receive a PDF version of the application form in your registered email id (from noreply.recruit@mailer.iith.ac.in). If this is not received in the inbox, the candidate should check their spam folder.

Section – l (General)

1. Email
Candidates should mention their valid and active email id in the online application. (All correspondence such as issuing call letters or any other information will be communicated through email only). Note: Candidates are advised also to check spam mails, as at times it may go to spam based on settings.
2. Post Name
Post name may please be chosen from drop down menu.
3. Upload Photograph
Candidates should upload a valid recent colour passport size photograph (JPG/JPEG Format 100 – 150 kb). The uploaded photograph should have been taken within the last one month. Click on upload photo option and select Browse option to upload photograph. Click on upload button finally (uploaded photo will be displayed). Uploading Photograph can also be done by DRAG and DROP method.
4. Name in Full
As mentioned in 10th Standard Certificate / Mark sheet.
5. Father’s / Mother’s / Spouse's Name
Candidates may, at their option, enter the name of spouse.
6. Date of Birth
As mentioned in 10th Standard Certificate / Mark sheet. Relaxation in age is allowed up to 5 years for SC/ST candidates and up to 3 years for OBC candidates against the reserved posts only. Relaxation in age is allowed to PWD / Ex-servicemen, as per GOI Rules.(Please click on upload certificate to upload proof of document (SSC/Birth certificate))
7. Mobile Number
Please enter a valid and active mobile number.
8. Present address
Please enter complete address with PIN code. (Address include H.No: /Area: /Street:/ Village or Town:/ Mandal or City:/District:/ State:/PIN:/)
9. Religion
Please see drop down menu and select religion.
10. Nationality
Please select the appropriate radio button. In case of other nationals, please specify nationality in the box provided.
11. Gender
Please see drop down menu and select the gender.
12. Category
Please see drop down menu and select category.
a. SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS candidates should upload a valid certificate issued by the competent authority in the format prescribed by the Government of India.(Proformas are given as annexures in the detailed advertisement for OBC & EWS).
b.IITH follows Central list of OBCs. If you belong to ‘Creamy Layer’, you are not eligible for consideration against posts reserved for OBCs and therefore you may apply against UR posts.
c. OBC Certificate should have been issued on a date within 2 (two) years of the last date for receipt of application, as mentioned in the advertisement Instructions.
d. EWS Candidates should upload a valid EWS Certificate issued in the current financial year.
13. Are you an Ex-Serviceman
Please select appropriate radio button.
If yes, Ex-servicemen Certificate will be verified at the time of Written Test / Interview.
14. Do you belong to PWD category
Please select appropriate radio button.
If, yes, PWD candidates should upload their valid PWD Certificate showing percentage of disability not less than 40%.
15. Have you ever been convicted by a court of Law or is there any Criminal / disciplinary / vigilance case pending against you?
Please select appropriate radio button.
If yes, please give brief information.
16. Payment details
a. Please enter the payment date, reference number and payment amount manually.
b. Persons with Disabilities (PWD) with minimum 40% disability, SC/ST/EWS and Female candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

Section – II (Educational / Professional and Technical Qualifications)

  1. Candidates are advised to SAVE the filled in information in SECTION-I before moving to SECTION-II.(Educational / Professional and Technical Qualifications).
  2. Next Step : Please click on “ADD AN EDUCATIONAL RECORD” and fill in all the fields as asked for. Upload the relevant certificates (PDF format – size less than 500kb) by clicking on upload symbol (Top viewing arrow mark). Candidates can add more qualifications / professional and technical qualifications by clicking on “ADD AN EDUCATIONAL RECORD” as per the requirement.
  3. Next Step : Please click on SAVE AND DOWNLOAD button and check the information submitted by you. In case any modification, please go back and edit the information by clicking EDIT SYMBOL (Pen). After completing SECTION-II, please SAVE and proceed to SECTION-III.

Section – III (Details of Knowledge / Employment and Training in chronological order)

  1. Candidates are advised to SAVE the filled in information in SECTION-II before moving to SECTION-III (Details of Knowledge / Employment and Training)
  2. Please click on “ADD AN EMPLOYMENT RECORD” and fill in all the fields as asked for. Upload the relevant certificates (PDF format – size less than 500kb) by clicking on upload symbol (Top viewing arrow mark).
  3. Candidate can add more details of Knowledge / Employment and Training by clicking on “ADD AN EMPLOYMENT RECORD” as per the requirement.
  4. Next Step : Please click SAVE AND DOWNLOAD button to check the information furnished by you. In case any modification is required, please go back and edit the information by clicking on Edit Symbol (Pen). If all the information is found to be correct, please click on the SAVE button.
  5. Before submitting the online application form, the Candidates must fill the DECLARATION in the box provided.
  6. Please ensure that all the fields are duly filled. No field should be left unfilled unless otherwise specified.
  7. Please SUBMIT the application form after which you will receive a PDF version of the application form in your registered email id (from noreply.recruit@mailer.iith.ac.in).

Instructions for candidates who want to apply for more than one post

  1. Please fill in separate application form for each post.
  2. Application Fee must be remitted for each post separately. (same payment reference should not be used for more than one post). If same reference number is entered for different posts, candidature of the applicant will be considered against only the post whichever is applied first.
  3. Candidates may use your registered email id and password to get previously submitted data, by clicking on Get Data from previously submitted application.
  4. After importing previously submitted information, please select post from drop down menu and area, wherever applicable, and give payment details & proceed to SECTION-II.
  5. Please complete and check sections I, II &III, by clicking on SAVE AND DOWNLOAD button.
  6. If any modifications are required, candidates can edit their information (Change of qualifications / experiences etc…) by clicking on Edit Symbol (Pen). Please ensure and satisfy that all the 3 SECTIONS are duly filled and then SAVE the application form.
  7. Please ensure that Candidate’s DECLARATION is duly filled before submitting the online application form.
  8. Please SUBMIT the application form after which you will receive a PDF version of the application form in your registered email id (from noreply.recruit@mailer.iith.ac.in).

Application Closed